Thursday 29 October 2009

Robbie's Out.

A little bit behind the times, I finally caught up with the news that Robbie Elliot is out for 'up to six weeks', due to a problem with his 'adductor'.
I'm not sure when all this flashiness and pseudo medical information became important to football fans but I have a strong feeling it started when we all had to know the ins and outs of David Beckham's metatarsals. It was always known as a 'broken foot' before Dave became a media sensation.

I'd have been happy to know that young Robbie had a 'groin strain' but maybe that's just me.

It's a massive blow for Robbie who has been ever present this season. He's also made a habit of making at least one 'wonder save' per match.
 Back up keeper Darren Randolph is going to have to grab his chance with both hands, - something a goalkeeper shouldn't really need to worry about too much of course.

We spent last night in London's fabulous and glittering West End, watching a friend who is in La Cage aux Folles,starring the campest entertainer in Britain, John Barrowman.
The huge crowds who were waiting at the stage door for Barrowman to 'come out' (ahem), after the show looked slightly bemused when we pushed past them to greet our friend!

If you've never seen the show and feel the need to spend an evening watching athletic young men perform high kicks and splits while dressed as French 19th century prostitutes, I heartily recommend it.

It is of course, all something that young Robbie won't be able to perform for a while I imagine - (though I have little knowledge of how he dresses when off the pitch!)

1 comment:

  1. Were the dancers wearing your favourite adidas trainers Marco?


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